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date: Jan 18, 2022, 5:51 AM
subject: Behavioral control
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Keywords: mass formation, psyops, nudge, political warfare, ..
and the end of the American dream.
Remember those Johns Hopkins Pandemic war games that occurred over the span of decades? Where the outcome usually ended in a need to control the populace, by which behavioral modification techniques are used to enforce cooperation from the populace.
Right now, one can wander over to Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and see their current projects include an analysis of “anti-misinformation actions'“, which they call the Environment of Misinformation.
leaders, governments, big media, big pharma and tech giants are busy planning
out the next pandemic response. So, maybe it is time for those of us who
believe there is a better way to live than to be controlled, to plan out
responses to all these draconian measures. As well as to begin to develop
counter measures to a bio-threat that do not use censorship, propaganda,
mandates and behavioral modification techniques. You know, the old fashioned
way where the government relies on people to use their own critical thinking
skills to assess what is best for themselves and their families, after getting
all the information available.
So, let’s climb aboard and let’s have a think about how “we” are being
controlled, nudged, censored and lied to during this pandemic, and to be aware
that governments are already planning how to control us better in the next.
Definition: psyops (From the US Department of Defense)
“Psyops are the use of propaganda and psychological tactics to influence emotions and behaviors.”
The US Department of Defense (DOD) 2004 and 2010 Counterinsurgency Operations Reports define “psyops” as the following:
“The mission of psychological Operations (psyops) is to influence the behavior of foreign target audiences to support US national objectives. A psyop accomplishes this by conveying selected information and advising on actions that influence the emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of foreign audiences. Behavioral change is at the root of the psyop mission.”
Read that last sentence again. “Behavioral change is at the root of the psyop mission.” Sound familiar?
At the heart of a psyops operations are behavioral tools or mind control techniques such as hypnosis, mass formation, censorship, security theater, use of fear to drive anxiety and propaganda.
How does our military use psyops?
Military deception missions use psychological warfare to deliberately mislead enemy forces during a combat situation.
Military Information Support Operations (MISO) missions involve sharing specific information to foreign audiences to influence the emotions, motives, reasoning, and behavior of foreign governments and citizens. This can include cyber warfare and advanced communication techniques across all forms of media.
Interagency and government support missions shape and influence foreign decision making and behaviors in support of United States’ objectives.
Civil Authorities Information Support (CAIS) missions aid civilian populations during disaster relief situations by sharing critical information to support the rescue effort.
What is the history of Army Psychological Operations?
Founded during World War I to devastate opposing troops’ morale, the PSYOPS unit has played a critical role in World War II, the Vietnam War, and recent operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, where unconventional warfare provided by PSYOPS has been crucial to national security.”
“A nudge is any attempt at influencing people’s judgment, choice or behavior in a predictable way that is motivated because of cognitive boundaries, biases, routines, and habits in individual and social decision-making posing barriers for people to perform rationally in their own self-declared interests, and which works by making use of those boundaries, biases, routines, and habits as integral parts of such attempts.”
And now - for the fly in the toilet…
One of the best examples of “nudging, is the use of a “fly” in the toilet bowl. First introduced at Schiphol airport in Amsterdam back in 1999, the idea was simple: etch the image of a fly in the urinal and men will aim for it almost every time, that is - well over 80% of the time. Costs of clean-up went way down, without forcing anyone to do anything.
Now that the term nudging and pysops are defined and understood, think about these terms in context of mass formation and the narrative big media generated to the Joe Rogan podcast (link at the end of this article). The article below explains:
Van Bavel (the AP source) seems to believe that he is not guilty of either spreading or believing propaganda, manipulating people or being manipulated.
In a Nature article in 2020, Van Bavel posited that "insights from the social and behavioural sciences can be used to help align human behaviour with the recommendations of epidemiologists and public health experts." What is this if not an attempt to push people to do what they're told?
The article addresses using fear as a means to control people, in the right doses: "A meta-analysis found that targeting fears can be useful in some situations, but not others: appealing to fear leads people to change their behaviour if they feel capable of dealing with the threat, but leads to defensive reactions when they feel helpless to act. The results suggest that strong fear appeals produce the greatest behaviour change only when people feel a sense of efficacy, whereas strong fear appeals with low-efficacy messages produce the greatest levels of defensive responses."
So, the expert opinion that fact-checked the term Mass Formation is actually is an expert on the use of behavioral techniques and fear to ensure compliance within a population to support public health. So, denying that mass formation exists, while writing about it in the scientific literature. It doesn’t get more Orwellian, does it?
Political warfare is the art of heartening one’s friends and disheartening one’s enemies. It makes use of ideas, words, images, and deeds to compel or convince friends, foes, or neutrals into cooperation or acquiescence. Effective political warriors know that the best way to prevail in modern ideological conflict is not through killing, but through persuasion, cooption, and influence.
Frank Gaffney, Jr.
This is full on political warfare, which is effectively using social and MSM media to control the narrative. But this is asymmetric warfare. They have the resources, the power, the money, main stream media, big pharma, tech giants and social media supporting their efforts. When Biden decided by executive order to enforce mandates, which are political in nature (the science does not support mandates as the vaccines do not stop spread of the disease and may create vaccine escape mutants), then mandates became a censored topic. When the government decided that they would not support the use of ivermectin and HCQ, despite our laws that allow such usage, these also became censored topics and taboo to discus. Messages about ivermectin being dangerous and horse-paste were planted though out the Internet and TV. These are examples of censorship and propaganda.
Now, there is a small, but growing guerrilla army of supporters. Mostly on the conservative side. Strangely enough, the resistance has come from the conservatives and now many in the younger generation are taking up the mantle. Indications are that it is becoming hip to be conservative. Will the democrats lose the next generation because of their draconian public health responses to COVID-19?
However, if the resistance speaks too loudly or speaks truth to power too often, they are taken out by warnings and de-platforming. They are losing their right to free speech. Evan some conservative politicians are no longer allowed to use such platforms are youtube or twitter. Senator Ron Johnson, the ranking member for the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations has lost the right to publish on Youtube. That should scare and shock anyone with a thinking brain. Articles on such subjects as the lab leak are removed from search engines and are not allowed to be republished by the Trusted News Initiative. Professional are losing their jobs, being investigated and are losing their licenses for speaking out and/or treating patients with COVID-19 early in the course of the disease. Some might call these tactics defenestration. As this happens, more and more people are realizing that our very freedoms that made our country what it is are at stake.
The article linked below in the Telegraph shows that governments have gone beyond nudging, and are working in the realm of pysops and totalitarian measures:
More recently, one of the largest newspapers in Denmark is apologizing for its journalistic failure during COVID-19, for only publishing the official government narrative without question. This newspaper continued to go along with this plan long after it was clear that the government narrative was crumbling. The link between governments and the media to control the population has become normalized.
Another very timely article to read is:
Professor Ehud Qimron: “Ministry of Health, it’s time to admit failure”
Where as a nation, as a society and as individuals do we go from here?
For me, this is a battle that has completely changed my life, my way of thinking and my perspective on my government and world leaders. There is no going back for me. I will not let this great nation, this world go down the road of totalitarianism. That is a recipe for the end of the American dream.
“Inspired” did another video on my audio made from my recent interview on the Kristi Leigh TV. The video above was produced by Kristin & Jean Nolan, the founders of the Inspired Channel. I owe them a huge thank you!
the full interview on the Joe Rogan Experience
#1757 - Dr. Robert Malone, MD By Joe Rogan Podcast episode |
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Behavioral control
and the end of the American dream. |
4 min ago·edited 2 min ago I’d also point out the psyop technique used to get what I’d spot as roughly 80% of the broader ‘medical community’ on board with the ‘Program’. I spot it at 80% because I am seeing the 80/20 rule everywhere in this. By ‘medical community’ I include everyone from candy striper up to the most sage academic doctors. You were manipulated by **initially** propping you up as ‘frontline hero’s’. My wife is a doctor, and when that first started here in the US, she was absolutely repelled by this hero status that was being pushed across TV and Social media. She also was particularly spooked at how nurses were so susceptible to that. Then came all the TikTok videos of dancing nurses at a time when we were supposed to be in this dire state of hospital collapse. Anyway, it’s human nature. They hold you up as hero, at first. It’s conditional, of course. You accept the role. You then must go along with whatever comes next or lose you status. Vaxxes, masking, shutdowns…all of it. You want to still be a hero, right? A similar tactic was employed during the 9/11 psychological operations. Police and Firefighters were lionized. Then comes ‘Patriot Act’ and before you know it, your local police look like soldiers. Which makes you what? Moral of the story. Be very skeptical of the ‘authorities’ when they come around with merit badges, propping you up for basically doing your job. You are likely being co-opted for a message and a motive you’d normally have nothing to do with. They HAD to get the majority of medicine on board. Learn from this. |
Writes The Falcon Report ·17 min ago·edited 15 min agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS I have used a phrase since the very beginning of this plandemic. "Technocratic totalitarianism" because this perfectly describes the age in which we have entered. Like religious institutions, when someone has complete control over the minds of millions, they become more and more despotic, more sociopathic and truly believe their own bs. With that confidence comes followers that are too weak to think for themselves or unable to because of the mass hypnosis that takes place when the reptile brain takes control. I'm glad some brave people with actual expertise in various sciences like Dr. Malone, Dr. McCullough, and Dr. Desmit have helped me fill in some of the gaps of my knowledge in their respective fields. I wrote a piece called Technocratic totalitarianism here on substack because people like Dr Malone have made me realize the more of us that speak up, the less likely this attempt to implement global totalitarianism will come to fruition. This is the real danger. Not terrorists on another continent, or an engineered virus. My biggest concern is what will these oligarchs do if this shift into totalitarianism doesn't work. What will be released from these labs that they've been cooking up for decades if we do not comply? |
AUTHOR Excellent article! |
Writes Steward ·2 hr ago·edited 2 hr agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS That this battle has changed your life and your way of thinking is clear evidence that after four decades (in my lifetime) of watching the USA descend into a fascist hellhole run by narcissistic parasites, the masses are beginning to wake up from their sleep. As Ayn Rand taught me, the war of ideas is the only battle that truly matters. The Deep State, drunk on money they didn't earn and the illusion of power, has been at war with the American population for decades. They have destroyed the very foundations of freedom & prosperity for many Americans, dooming them to dependency, addiction & hopelessness. They have bankrupted our country and wasted the gifts entrusted to them by those who founded it. Our parents and their parents have sat around, amused by endless bread & circuses, allowing it to happen. And now the debt has become due & payable. Dr. Malone, as our generation looks around & surveys the wreckage, what do we see? We see sociopaths in nearly every position of power and influence in every major institution of our country. We see pure evil ... the kind of evil the German people saw in the 1930's .... and rallied around. We are at a unique point in the history of our country. The looters & parasites who have feasted upon the carcass of freedom for the last century are in the light. We see them for who they are. They can't hide and they can't pretend. And they are losing credibility & influence at a rate which I've prayed for throughout my entire adult life. They know this and they know that we know it. The question is: are we brave enough to take on the fights that the last few generations have avoided? Are we willing to lose some comforts and take a stand so that our children & grandchildren can grow up in a country that stands for freedom & prosperity? Will we lead a generation that understands what our forefathers did: that the biggest enemy to freedom, prosperity and our children's futures isn't some exotic flu ... or a foreign actor halfway around the world ... it's us. When we band together under a title and attempt to use coercion and force to get our way, we allow the worst of us to destroy with impugnity. We are living through the end result - the end game of a century of rot bestowed on us by the worst of us. It all starts with ideas -- the same ideas that created our nation in the first place. Those ideas are more powerful than every slimy parasite on this planet and they know it. They have lost. It's simply a matter of what comes next. |
very powerful stuff Joe..thank you and the battle will be won...we have no choice but to win ! |
Writes Age of Muses ·59 min ago This latest article called “Breaking the Spell: MindSpace, Trance Fomation, and Neuro Linguistic Programming” details and documents all the latest covert behavioural techniques in detail, including the use of NLP reframing techniques, “cues,” “anchors,” “priming,” “defaults” etc. The article also identifies the specific psychological warfare nodes involved in shaping the covid-19 messaging from the outset, namely, the Behavioural Insights Team. To my knowledge, this has yet to be fully exposed or documented. The piece can be found at either link (Trialsite News has a paywall, the other is free for anyone not already subscribed to Trialsite News): Best, David |
“When you have people by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow.” ~Sicilian Wise Guys Making of the Mob, NY History channel Documentary That’s a quote from a documentary I watched regarding how the Mafia basically works. My father was part of that world. Being raised by a wise guy, you are taught to see things that the average person glosses over. I was aware that… I.e. FBook, twit, IS AN invasion of privacy. Don’t use them. Anything written down can come back to you. A shipping label, mail such as CC bills, in the trash IS A connection to identity theft. Shred everything! Your garage door opener clipped to your Viser and your address in the glove box IS AN invitation to rob your home. Don’t leave it in your car or anything with your address on it. The criminal list goes on. I wonder, Is the criminal mind more valuable than we have given it credit? Is our political machine a criminal entity? Do we see Hypocrisy when Pelosi/newsom and the like, dont where a mask? Or is it their way of Re-educating the masses “do as I say not as I do?” Dr. Malone is correct- ITS TIME FOR A GREAT AWAKENING! |
Writes Defiance ·50 min agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS I did a little research on Dr. Malone in the wake of the Berenson Attack. This is everything that a layperson needs to know about Dr. Robert Malone: |
AUTHOR Thank you. |
1 hr agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS Very interesting and revealing article. I was a lifelong Liberal (70 years old) who started to see the cracks in the narrative in 2020. Once you see them there is no going back. I consider myself "red pilled" also. |
(Banned)1 hr agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS They have destroyed what it once meant to be a ‘Democrat.’ |
(Banned)1 hr ago |
2 hr agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS We are with you. I’m moving my family of 7 children out of Australia. It will be hard, but I have to for their survival. Do not let America, become like Australia. |
Congratulations on your bravery. Areas of the USA are Marxist parasite hellholes. Other areas are bastions of freedom. Choose wisely. |
I won’t be able to get into America. I have found another country. But America is the home of freedom and it radiates that freedom to other countries. Please protect it. |
(Banned)2 hr ago It is not the home of the free any longer. Currently there is widespread nonconsensual torture and experimentation. Dr. Malone knows and remains mute. America has a hidden holocaust of victims imprisoned and experimented in in electric pens that include body area networks, brain chips, 24/7 surveillance and harassment. We are hurling toward mass control. Dr. Malone cannot compartmentalize the abuses against DOD research subjects and the general public. |
2 hr agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS Incredible bravery!!! Wishing you and your family, aLL of us, a brighter tomorrow... |
Are there other Australians like you. I’ve noticed a handful of new Aussies in our neck of the USA. We would be happy to have you here in America! Come to the Midwest. |
2 hr agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS Unfortunately because I do things legally I won’t be able to get in. But thank you for your kindness. Their are a lot of Australians against this tyranny, but the msm does not publicise their demonstrations. |
2 hr ago·edited 2 hr agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS Your posts have been excellent and I just subscribed. I'm trying to stay informed and in my own small way fight the control, but it's beginning to pile on me psychologically. I've done pretty well through all of this. I've tried to be optimistic. I've turned to God and Bible studies. I set fitness, home, and family goals. Yet recently I'm feeling hopeless. A couple of things that are currently going on don't help. For one, trying to figure out how to fight my employer to NOT get the booster when I just had covid 3 weeks ago. Just postponed my dream trip for a third time (originally scheduled for April 2020). Things could be much worse. I'm just sharing these few things not to get sympathy, but I"m wondering if there's a substack that talks about how people are coping going into a third year of this. |
41 min agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS I also have moments and sometimes days of hopelessness about where we are as a country and how to raise my children to continue to fight the tyranny. And then I get focused, take small actions to buck the narrative in my circle of crazy, and choose to hope that this will end soon. I know you didn’t ask for sympathy, but I offer some empathy so you know you aren’t alone. Hang in there! We need you in this fight! |
For me reconnecting with faith has been important to help me retain psychological balance. I do not belong to a Church or a particular religion. I have a spiritual practice. It sounds like I spent the Fall in a similar place to you. Taking care of myself -- daily vit. D3, Quercetin and Zinc, exercise, getting a massage and small outings (we are on our 4th lockdown here in Toronto)helped greatly. I am a self employed medical practitioner and found the struggles of my patients affected me much greater than usual, to a point of sending an email to them telling them how I was struggling but that I am there for them in whatever capacity they needed. The beautiful responses I received in return showed me the love and connection we all need. Reaching out helps. I am very grateful. |
5 min ago·edited 4 min ago Interesting. I too have done a lot of deep thinking on faith. I am in Florida and it is quite open and back to normal here. I could have gone to services but my church has gone a bit WOKE and I won't support that. It has helped to reconnect with a higher power and realize we are part of a whole. This virus has had its good side. With all this time on my hands, although, not in lockdown here in Florida, I have been reading and listening to videos. I too am on an immune boosting regime of D3, Quercetin, zinc, Vit K2, VitC and black seed oil. I feel good. I need to boost my exercise though because I have become far too sedentary. What is dismaying is to witness the mass formation psychosis that seems to be the norm in too many places. It is certainly prevalent on a knitting forum I belong too. In particular those members from Australia seem lost to all reason and perspective. Some of them have become vicious in their response to the unvaccinated even when those people have had and recovered from COVID, and to those who refuse to get boosters. Fear can be a terrible thing. |
2 hr agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS You must stay strong. The momentum is starting to swing our way. If you aren't sure check out all the college football games where the stands erupt in F* Joe Biden. I tried to buy a coffee mug with this slogan on it. ( I didn't want the diluted "Let's Go Brandon)." They were sold out and I had to order one, as was the LGB version. Good sign. The 60,000 people who came out to see President Trump in Arizona on a cold day is a good sign. It was an all day process to get to the event and even as he began speaking the line of cars to get there was 25 miles long. That is some statement. Look at the recent polls. This administration is sinking like a rock. And it will get a whole lot worse for them this year. Inflation hasn't really started to kick in. I lived through the Jimmy Carter inflation and malaise. This is going to be as bad or worse. So hang in there. This is not the time to throw in the towel. The Supreme Court just ruled against mandates unless you are a health care worker. However, new international data is coming out all the time. Print off some of those articles and use them with your employer. |
1 hr agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS You cannot let the bastards win! |
this IS WW3 ... just no kinetic weapons (yet). -- re: fighting the employer -- get a kind Dr. to say for "your specific medical history that a booster is more risk than potential benefit" |
53 min agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS So many people in history have been mocked for bucking the narrative. Winston Churchill in the 1930s about the rise of the Nazis, Noah for building an ark, etc. I am a lifelong Conservative, but I always rolled my eyes when the conspiracy theory, "one world order" topic came up. They were correct in their positions, as the pandemic has unmasked them. With this censorship, we are seeing the culmination of so many things: · bureaucratic capture by big business and big tech, · decades of a poorly educated populace indoctrinated with ahistorical thinking and post-modern morality, · rejection of the Judeo-Christian ethos, capitalism and English Common Law and Property Rights, · perpetual politicians corrupted by power, · K Street and CCP money and finally, · Social Media and the group psychology so masterfully used by Freud and Edward Bernays. |
Thank you, Dr Malone!! Great article and, I hope, a big awakening for the American people!!! This is godlessness, plain and simple. A vast majority are operating with no accountability to a higher power. When this happens, oppression is always the result. |
2 hr agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS The success of nudging techniques is quite astounding. Or at least it feels that way within my circles here in Finland. My personality is such that I don't bring up "controversial" topics (since in my experience people are both arrogant and close minded in terms of that they think they know), but surprisingly virtually everyone around me wants to talk about the current health emergency. And when they do, they are incredibly misinformed (their "knowledge" of the mortality rates, infection rates, hospitalisations, etc, is at least exaggerated by a factor of 10)... Then you kindly observe: "hey, have you checked official figures from the WHO?, John Hopkins?, it is a fraction of what you say" to which they will get upset. Not a single friend or relative I have remarked a thing like that have actually gone and checked official statistics. They carry on as if they were never exposed to a different opinion or data <--- even when the data comes from the sources you are supposed to trust. Nudging seems like a resounding success story. |
54 min agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS Great post! Loved the fly in the toilet explanation, it's spot on(pun intended). Glad you made it a point to say it's political, while not making it too political-will help with the normies. As this red pill is shoved up America's ass, people need to open their eyes and start using their brain, specifically by questioning more than accepting by default. The same people who killed critical thinking in school, did so for a reason. That's why the iron fist is coming down on opposition in social media-they don't want to hear anything other than the groupthink narrative. At this point in time, I feel the only fix or solution will be the economic crash as all of these shit policies and ideologies are not compatible with our system-for good reason. Every choice "they" make in government is counter productive to our society as a whole. It's only a matter of time before it happens. Question is, what happens after? Only other option is Durham. |
I spent time as a civilian contractor in Afghanistan 2010 building propaganda for various interest groups (DoD, State, USAID, various NGOs, etc.). The PSYOP doctrine is quite lengthy. I never believed they would use it against Americans. This was so naive of me. Fact is, all that prevents governments from doing this to their own people is ethics, all the capacity is there to do so, it's just the will to lie and cheat your own people that needs to emerge. I can tell you, it did NOT work in Afghanistan. They had less cultural awareness, for sure, but also most people there were like, fuck off with your lies and fantastical stories that never materialize and only make YOU better off, not us. We need to react the same. Don'tet them tell you what to think. They aren't doing anything for you, it's all for them and their mission. |
Writes Clown World - Honk ·3 hr agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS Thank you for your courage and insight, Dr. Malone! We're cheering you on from Israel. This is the fight of our lifetime. |
Writes The Good Citizen ·53 min agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS I always aim for everywhere but the fly in the urinal, knowing it was put there to control my urinating behavior. |
ironic handle 😃 |
Writes Centinel2012’s Newsletter ·3 hr ago·edited 2 hr agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS As a former Green Beret I can tell you with 100% certainty that you are right on. My research and studies over the past several decades, showed me that it started here in 1913. We are now in the final transition to either a fascist or Marxist state, not that there is much difference. We have only a few more years left to stop this. |
2 hr agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS Virginia state motto: "Sic Semper Tyrannis". (thus always to tyrants), with liberty holding a spear standing on the dead body of the tyrant emblazoned on the state flag |
2 hr agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS And from the “vale of humility” State along your southern border, our motto is particularly appropriate right now: Esse Quam Videri”: To Be Rather Than to Seem” |
Writes Centinel2012’s Newsletter ·2 hr agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS Our motto is De Oppresso Liber and we take it seriously! |
2 hr ago·edited 2 hr agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS hmmm ... let's have a look at how asymmetric warfare turned out in Vietnam and Afghanistan ... the real question is how to circumvent the censorship using tech to fight tech, or perhaps using low-tech (phone trees, churches, other non-electronic communication relays) to fight tech. turn the TV and other "official" sources OFF. -- the primary reason for the founding fathers of America to maintain separation of church and state was an assumption that the state would eventually become corrupt, and that the churches would maintain a moral fiber that was a "check and balance" of the people against the corruption in the state. |
Writes Remote View ·2 hr agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS An excellent article, thank you again. I tried to get an exemption from jabbing based on my prior recovery (March/April 2020) and my families history of death from heart attacks and auto-immune conditions so I could travel to US for the first time in 2 years to conduct my research. I went to my doctor who refused based on government guidelines and just told me to get the jab (without any justification or comment on which one). I could not understand what could motivate him to be so reckless with my health and so I did an investigation. I learned that in many countries, doctors earn a LOT of EASY MONEY for jabbing. I detailed my experience and findings here: |
2 hr agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS re: "strong fear appeals" -- a euphemism for "terror", used by the REAL terrorists. All of the instigators and purveyors of "strong fear appeals" and their conduits should be tried and convicted of terrorism |
18 min ago·edited 18 min ago Again, well-played, good sir. And we have the psyops ammo that drives them batschiff crazy: The Truth - hidden with Christ in God. |
Thank you for your continued dedication in helping us be aware of the ways the goverment is deceiving us. I worked as a RN for 40 years. I saw how our medical care went to drugs as the major treatment for any health problem. I ask my friends after they go for their 15 minute doctors appointment "What drug did your doctor prescribe?" I studied Ayurveda medicine in 2007, and I'm studying Homeopathy now. I'm 75 and have not taken any drugs (no Tylenol , Advil , etc for the last 10 years).I use healthy eating, exercise, herbs, meditation and common natural remedies that are available from nature all around us and I keep a positive attitude about every thing. Edith Edgars' new Book the "Gift" is about the strength and resilience we all have access to. We need these qualities to make our decisions to keep our nation, a Nation of Truth, Courage, Love and Compassion. |
Thank you for the book suggestion 🥰 Wonderful comments. |
Dr. Malone, I am with you 100%. I have not gone as deep as you into these government/ big tech psyops . But I think most -even barely- thinking Americans know book burning when they see it. And we’re watching a whole library set ablaze. And let me add this message of hope which you express far better and with greater detail than I: Once you’ve actually realized the game and it’s rules, you can Never. Ever go back. |
Remember that it was the groupthink geniuses at the State Dept who told us in the 1990s that if we opened up China with Free Trade, that China would become more like us and become a democracy. However, the USA has become more like China. Remember the old saying one of my patients told me 35 years ago- " Honey, you can send a horse to Harvard, but it is still a horse." Some things never change. |
Writes Margaret Anna Alice Through the… ·2 hr agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS “Environment of Misinformation”—that’s not Orwellian creepy or anything. Thank you for continuing to delve into the mechanisms of behavioral control, Dr. Malone. In my mind, the psychologists orchestrating the mass deception/hypnosis/control behind this grand psy-op are perhaps the most diabolical of all as they are using their expertise to menticide, modify, and coerce people into accepting totalitarianism. Biderman’s Chart of Coercion is one of the central tools used to mold people’s beliefs and behaviors. Just a simple glance at the graphic I created for “Letter to a Tyrant” ( should look extremely familiar as it describes precisely the psychological torture we have been subjected to over the past two years. Additionally, the media has deployed frequency illusion (Baader–Meinhof phenomenon) to magnify a nonexistent threat and implant the fear that would enable them to steer the believers to whatever ends they choose. As I write in “Letter to a Covidian” ( “Had we not been subjected to a global case of Baader–Meinhof phenomenon orchestrated by experts in mass control like the Behavioural Insights Team—unabashedly described as “the Nudge Unit” at the UK government’s website—and implemented across the MSM and social media, you would be still be living and loving life the same way you were two years ago. All of us would be. “But then we wouldn’t have willingly forfeited our rights, one by one, out of terror. We wouldn’t have started perceiving our fellow human beings as bioweapons to be shamed, ostracized, and eliminated. “Medical segregation further divides an already fragmented populace, making us ever easier to control. The psychological trauma of this isolation and splintering is incalculable, and the full extent of the damage will likely not be comprehended for decades.” |
Writes mzlizzi’s newzletter ·3 hr ago Oh, man. I gotta get ready for work, but really looking forward to reading this tonight! In the meantime, I will share a title that taught me to question the media, etc. since even before I went to college: Daniel J. Boorstin’s The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-events in America (written in 1962). |
1 hr ago·edited 1 hr ago I love Daniel J. Boorstin and have a half shelf of his books. I will have to look that one up and see if it is available. Just checked on and it is available for less than $5.00 plus $2.00 shipping. I ordered it. Thank you so much. |
Endless thanks and appreciation for your voice and continued will to fight, Dr. Malone! Your powerful knowledge and presence beside us definitely provides a 'lil much needed comfort. I'm with you - there is NO going back!! |
Writes Age of Muses ·53 min ago This latest article called “Breaking the Spell: MindSpace, Trance Fomation, and Neuro Linguistic Programming” details and documents all the latest covert behavioural techniques in detail, including the use of NLP reframing techniques, “cues,” “anchors,” “priming,” “defaults” etc. The article also identifies the specific psychological warfare nodes involved in shaping the covid-19 messaging from the outset, namely, the Behavioural Insights Team. To my knowledge, this has yet to be fully exposed or documented. The piece can be found at either link (Trialsite News has a paywall, the other is free for anyone not already subscribed to Trialsite News): Best, David |
2 hr ago·edited 2 hr ago I would have to disagree with one thing. It IS about the “vaccine”. In order to OWN us they have to get these drugs in everyone across the world. Its how they will control the masses. The “covid” is the hoax used to introduce the bio weapon which IS the jab! 🇺🇸 |
One of the biggest problems we face today is that our models of Democracy in the West require a critical media. There used to be a diversity in media opinions. So there was always some open criticism. The media has become a monolith for a long time now, at least My lifetime. The consolidation of opinion, imho, started with WWII and national media and become exponentially worse in the last 5 years. |
I am grateful you are swinging back. I would highly recommend you get a channel and advise anyone you know to do this. Rumble will not censor you. Our side of rationality and logic is finally rising and gaining momentum. You are a large part of that. You are giving voice to me and millions like me. |
The UK has been at least trying to return to normal life as much as possible. The admission from SPI-B back in May 2021 was possibly an attempt by the government to show their cards to the public; but the message wasn't carried loud and far enough. We are in a strange and scary world now |
"'You see, once again I positively maintain that this particular quality exists in much of mankind - this love of torturing children, but only children. These same torturers look upon all other examples of humankind even mildly and benevolently, being educated and humane Europeans, but they have a great love of torturing children, they even love children in that sense. It is precisely the defenselessness of these creatures that tempts the torturers, the angelic trustfulness of the child, who has nowhere to turn and no one to turn to - that is what enflames the vile blood of the torturer.'" --Dostoyevsky, Brothers Karamazov |
2 hr ago·edited 2 hr ago There has.always been an attempt control people and the narrative, pitting groups against one another This time, pandemic and the tech social platforms were used with the usual legacy media. The government can't keep borrowing money for all the programs they have planned. At some point they will have to cut spending and admit they were wrong (admitting that universal vaccines and boosters, should have been used selectively- that were most likely financed by more govnment debt, not paid for in cash- is probably not going to happen. Other wise the Romans would have figured out a way to keep their empire going indefinitely. Once corruption sets in, it is very difficult to control (talking to refugees who I meet) The cycle seems to be like a bag of milk hitting expiry date, it just is a natural cycle. What made US so special is that it never cancelled it's currency since 1841, and is world reserve, that people use when their own govnment debase (cheat- by devaluation) |
deleted3 hr ago deleted |
Good questions. Assuming for the sake of argument that Mr Malone was deep in the machine (personally, in full knowledge) carrying on "poisons" test on citizens... Do you think there's a path for redemption for Mr Malone? ... If he was developing therapies which were misused by corrupt institutions (public or private) without him knowing of the ways in which they were employed, is there a path for redemption? |
Writes mzlizzi’s newzletter ·2 hr ago My gosh, which medical school was NOT paid for by the DOD? |
(Banned)2 hr ago·edited 2 hr ago I am speaking of his personal medical tuition. |
A hammer can be used to pound a nail....or it can be used to bludgeon someone to death. As for the accusations-please cite your sources/proof so the rest of us can follow. |
(Banned)2 hr ago There are myriad search engines. Please use. You can start at his LinkedIn. |
2 hr agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS The onus is on you to support your argument-not me. If and when I make such strong accusations, I always cite my proof. Otherwise-I'm just another troll. |
(Banned)2 hr ago Forgive me for my
shorthand as I am currently being assaulted with nanoparticulates intended to
fry my brain and disable me as I sit in restaurant. I encourage you to follow @jesseymatchey and @pezntjournalist
on Twitter and search for ‘Pezntjournalist targeted individuals bci’ on the
web. Also please watch this. |
1 hr agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS A rabbit hole. That's what I suspected. |
(Banned)1 hr ago |
(Banned)1 hr ago It is indeed a very deep rabbit hole. Ignore it at your own and your children’s peril. |
WHat you provided has NOTHING to do with Malone. ENd of story |